

Welcome to my art journey.

It starts when I can remember. Art, in all its forms, has always been a part of me. My exploration has taken me from the stage to the easel and to everything in between, with much more undiscovered. My curiosity has led me through life with an artist lens; I have always been prepared to embrace the unknown with an open heart and without fear.

I vividly remember creating as a child. My most joyous memories in my lifetime have always included the act of imagining and birthing a new idea. I’ve been on the path both physically and mentally for so long that the two have finally merged, and there is now an active fusion happening between my real life and my art life. I have finally fully embraced my goddess, and she breathes through my intention and speaks through my process.

It truly seems like a dream some days, and I am humbled to be allowed to walk through this life living in my manifestations.